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Where To Find Inspiration

Since I’ve been making up stories for as long as I can remember, sometimes it can be difficult for me to notice just where my inspiration comes from. At times, a full-blown plot idea will manifest out of nowhere. Other times, it’s bits and pieces that come while I’m working the day job, taking a shower, or in the car. When my mind seems to be busy on something completely unrelated to writing or story telling, that’s usually when an ideal strikes.

What I do know is, when I’m facing writer’s block or feeling uninspired, there are things that I try that sometimes help. If you’re new to writing and want to stretch yourself by trying your hand at writing fiction or a short story, or if you’re feeling uninspired lately or facing writer’s block, maybe these ideas will help you.

-Listen to music: Sometimes, just listening to a certain genre or song can help inspire me to write. It can either help me figure out a plot or inspire a new character. Country music usually does the trick for me. Their ability to write a song that tells a story in about 3 1/2 is pretty inspiring.

-Read a book: Often, new writers think reading a book will confuse or interfere with their own writing. Most of the time, when I’m reading a book, it triggers and fuels my own creativity. I can pinpoint where the shift in the character arc is. It can show me what works with my own writing and maybe what doesn’t.

-Take a walk: Getting outside and breathing in fresh air is great for the brain. It gives you oxygen and energizes the soul. Stepping out into nature is rejuvenating, triggering your creative mind to feel rested and ready to develop that plot or flesh out those characters.

-Watch a movie: Watching a movie can be so helpful for plot flow and character arcs. I pay attention to plot holes and slow burn romances. Looking for the humor, the heart, what triggers natural emotions.

-Write by hand: When I write by hand, it takes me back to when I first started writing. It can feel fresh and raw.

-Journal: Taking a step away from writing fiction and writing in a journal about your thoughts and feelings and your day can get you in the flow of writing again if you’ve been dealing with writer’s block.

-Do something else creative: Spending time on another hobby can get your writing creative juices flowing. If you enjoy drawing, painting, knitting, or something else, honing that craft can possibly help you in honing your writing.

I hope some of these ideas help inspire your writing or get you out of your writer’s block. What helps inspire your writing?

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